Case Study: Agile Architecture Governance

By introducing an agile architecture governance approach that emphasized continuous collaboration among expert teams, feedback cycles and coaching sessions, a flexible and adaptable architecture was created to meet changing business needs.

The challenge for our client

Industry: IT Service

Keeping up with the pace of technology innovation while ensuring the quality of its services is a major challenge for the internationally active IT consulting firm. The transformation initiated by the internal IT department started with initial trials at the project level. SAFe, Scrum, eScrum, Kanban and Nexus are being used. There is no group-wide roll-out of a standard. The company's IT landscape is growing as the

business expands, making it difficult to maintain overall architecture and ensure systems are aligned with business goals. Inconsistent and heterogeneous architecture standards across teams and projects, a slow decision-making process, and difficulties in tracking and managing architecture decisions and changes further complicate the situation.


A key or success factor of agile architecture governance was the creation of an open and collaborative corporate culture that encouraged cooperation between the various departments and teams of experts.

Our solution

Since agile structures were already established and the challenge was rather hidden in the architecture design and the growing system landscape, we introduced an agile architecture governance approach that relied on continuous collaboration of expert teams, feedback cycles and coaching sessions. The approach included the introduction of an Agile Architecture Framework, an Agile Architecture Review Board (AARB), and Agile Architecture Practices. The framework provided a flexible and adaptable setting that promoted the above goals through guardrails. The AARB consisted of senior enterprise and solution architects, executives, and systems experts who were responsible for reviewing and approving all architecture decisions and changes. Agile architecture practices included architecture spikes, architecture sprints, and architecture reviews that ensured the architecture was continuously evolving to meet changing business needs.

Benefits for the client

Our implementation of the Agile Architecture Governance approach improved alignment with business goals and improved collaboration and communication between expert teams. The number of wrong decisions was also reduced through more frequent and targeted coordination within specific architecture boards. In addition, increased transparency helped reduce the complexity of the system landscape, improving adaptability. A highlight for the teams was the reduced number of Technical Debts. By ensuring that IT architecture was closely aligned with business goals and that architecture standards were consistent across different teams and projects, the company was better able to respond quickly to technology trends. The approach streamlined the decision-making process and ensured that all stakeholders had a common understanding of the architecture, improving the quality and consistency of IT services.

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